Develop core strength and full-body muscle with just six moves

This six-move kettlebell session strengthens your core and boosts your metabolism in just 22 minutes

Man performing single-arm kettlebell swings
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Whether you're short on time or like efficient routines, you can build full-body strength in as little as 22 minutes with this six-move kettlebell workout. You only need a bit of space and a single weight to start. 

If you enjoy working out with weights, investing in one of the best kettlebells is a good idea, especially as one of our top picks is reduced in Amazon’s New Year sale. 

Yes4All Kettlebell Set:Was $49.99Now $36.70 on Amazon

Yes4All Kettlebell Set: Was $49.99 Now $36.70 on Amazon

Save $13.29 Build your home gym with this deal from Amazon’s New Year sale on strength training products. Three kettlebells feature in our selection of the best kettlebells and come in a beginner-friendly selection of weights: 5lb, 10lb and 15lb.

These off-center weights are ideal for building muscle, increasing your heart rate and boosting your metabolism, especially if you learn how to do kettlebell swings

But there's more to kettlebell training than this one (albeit very effective) exercise. This routine from fitness duo Twice The Health keeps things a bit more varied, packing six moves into a 22-minute session. 

It's split into two sections too; a 10-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout and a 12-minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) session. So, you can perform them one after the other or just pick one if you're really short on time. 

If this is the first time you've come across these training styles, the aim of an AMRAP workout is to do as many repetitions of the prescribed exercises as you can in the allotted time. For this session, do 8-10 repetitions of each move before starting on the next. Then, keep repeating this three-move circuit until the 10 minutes are up. 

For the second section, set a 12-minute running clock. Perform eight repetitions on each side of the body of the first movement (suitcase deadlifts) then rest until the timer hits 60 seconds. In the second minute, do the same for the single-arm bent-over rows, and in the third copy this format for plank drags. Complete four rounds to reach the 12-minute finish line. 

As this is a high-intensity routine, it's essential to focus on your form, so watch Twice The Health's demonstrations before starting to perfect your technique.

Watch Twice The Health's six-move kettlebell workout

This session includes a deadlift variation, so if you're new to this exercise it's worth looking over how to deadlift with dumbbells first, as the technique is very similar. 

All the movements programmed are compound exercises — moves that work several muscles simultaneously. That's part of the reason you can fit a muscle-building workout into little more than 20 minutes, and that's not the only benefit to this session. 

Resistance training routines work your muscles hard, while exercising with minimal rest times raises your heart rate by boosting the session's intensity. This helps you burn more energy than during an equivalent steady-paced routine. 

Training in this way also boosts your metabolism (the amount of energy you burn at rest) for all-day fat-burning results. You can get a similar effect with a more cardio-focused HIIT workout for fat loss if your goal is to drop pounds. 

But, to see these changes, you need to keep your body fuelled with enough protein (a macronutrient key to maintaining and building muscle). If you add one of the best protein powders for weight loss to the best blenders for protein shakes, you can make a smooth, tasty post-workout drink packed with muscle-building nutrients.  

James Frew
Fitness Editor

James is a London-based journalist and Fitness Editor at Fit&Well. He has over five years experience in fitness tech, including time spent as the Buyer’s Guide Editor and Staff Writer at technology publication MakeUseOf. In 2014 he was diagnosed with a chronic health condition, which spurred his interest in health, fitness, and lifestyle management.

In the years since, he has become a devoted meditator, experimented with workout styles and exercises, and used various gadgets to monitor his health. In recent times, James has been absorbed by the intersection between mental health, fitness, sustainability, and environmentalism. When not concerning himself with health and technology, James can be found excitedly checking out each week’s New Music Friday releases.