I'm a PT and yoga teacher and my tips may help you get more from this post-run stretch video with more than 1 million views

This popular 10-minute routine is great, but it can be hard to match the uber-flexible creator. Here's how to modify some of the harder stretches

Woman in white sportswear in low lunge position. She is outside in an arid landscape
(Image credit: Dianne Gralnick / Getty Images)

I've run six marathons and countless other races, so I know firsthand the importance of stretching after a run to avoid walking like a penguin the next day.

That’s not to say I’ve always been diligent, but a few stretches that lengthen and relax the major muscles overloaded by running’s repetitive motion are really all you need.

Fortunately, the ancient practice of yoga has postures that perfectly suit your post-run stretching needs and Mady Morrison, a yoga teacher from Germany, has pulled some of these moves into a 10-minute music-only video with a built-in timer.

It's the first video you see when you type "post-run stretches" into Google, which may in part account for its more than 1 million views.

There are, however, some shortcomings to the video's format. While no voice-over might suit runners who know what they’re doing, the lack of instruction or modifications might shortchange others, especially beginners, those needing modifications or anyone keen to understand the intricacies of each pose.

So I've added my expertise as a personal trainer and yoga teacher. I've also flagged the tips Morrison adds in the video description because they're easy to miss.

What to know about the poses in Mady Morrison's post-run stretch routine

10 Min. Post-Run Stretch | Simple Cool Down after Running - YouTube 10 Min. Post-Run Stretch | Simple Cool Down after Running - YouTube
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Walk the dog

This pose combines downward-facing dog with pedaling your feet. Not everyone can place their heels on the floor in downward-facing dog like Morrison. If you can't, pedal your feet with bent knees so that your hamstrings and calves still get a good stretch, and your back stays as flat as possible to lengthen the spine.

Low lunge

This is the ultimate stretch for your hip flexors (the muscles at the top of your thigh) for runners and anyone who spends a disproportionate amount of time sitting. Position your rear leg as far back as possible for a deep stretch, while keeping your front knee directly above your front ankle. Morrison suggests adding padding under your knees if they are sensitive. For the quad stretch, her tip is to avoid putting your weight directly on the kneecap but more on the softer flesh right above it for more comfort.

Lizard pose

This is a challenging pose, so don’t worry if you can’t reach your forearms and elbows to the floor—not everyone has Morrison’s flexibility! Modify by placing only your hands on the floor and keeping your chest upright. Morrison also suggests switching to pigeon pose to get a similar stretch.

Yogi squat

A true test of mobility, and a great one to release tension in the hips before or after a run. If your mobility limits you from bringing your buttocks so close to the floor, place a yoga block under your buttocks to support you. Try to use it for active support, rather than sitting on the block. Keep your feet wide and knees out for maximum comfort.

Seated forward bend

If your hamstrings are too tight to reach as far forward as Morrison can, then bend your knees for a more comfortable stretch. To avoid rounding your back and get the most out of this stretch, tilt your pelvis and hinge your torso forward from the hips.

Contributing editor

Yanar Alkayat is a health and fitness journalist, yoga therapist and certified personal trainer at Yanar Mind & Movement. Her experience includes 15 years as a writer and editor for national titles such as Runner’s World, Women’s Health and Men’s Health.