Improve your posture and strengthen your core with this four-move resistance band workout

Develop full-body strength and boost your core stability using just one short resistance band

Two women taking part in a resistance band workout outdoors
(Image credit: Getty / Kali9)

Resistance bands are an excellent way to work out. Compact, versatile, affordable and effective, just one band can help you build strength, muscle, and mobility by opening the door to hundreds of new moves. 

If you're on the hunt for a strength training workout to do with your set of the best resistance bands, consider this four-move, full-body routine from fitness trainer Elise Young 

It sounds like a short session, but it will still work your legs, glutes, arms, shoulders, and core using just one short, looped band. It will even strengthen your back muscles, which are notoriously tricky to target during home workouts. 

To try it for yourself, perform 12 kickstand deadlifts on each leg, 20 tap outs, 15 single-arm rows on each arm and 20 bear tap outs in turn, resting as little as possible between exercises. 

Repeat this sequence three times for a four-round workout. Whether you're new to these exercises or could use a refresher, watch Young's video demonstrations to practice your technique and perfect your form before you start. 

Watch Elise's Body Shop's four-move resistance band workout

The past few years taught us the value of quality home workout equipment, and there are plenty of great options now on the market; from the best adjustable dumbbells to smart treadmills and exercise bikes. 

However, unlike these pricey rivals, you can often pick up a set of resistance bands can often be picked up for less than $20. Young shows just how versatile they can be too, selecting four exercises designed to hit muscles throughout your entire body. 

The deadlifts engage your glutes and hamstrings, while the tap outs help you build healthy hip flexors — muscles that are often missed during standard leg workouts, but are vital for preventing injuries, maintaining good posture and carrying out everyday tasks such as walking and running. 

Even though this routine targets muscles all over your body, there are times when you'll want to focus on a specific area. Use this resistance band leg workout to build strength in your lower body or a resistance band arm workout to build stronger biceps and triceps.  

There are differences between resistance bands and weights, but you'll still get an effective workout using your bands. They're also ideal if you want to save space at home, or like to train while you're away from home. 

However, If you do want to increase the load, learning how to do a kettlebell swing is a great way to work your whole body with weights. This single move engages muscles all over, raises your heart rate, and boosts your metabolism for all-day fat-burning. 

Harry Bullmore
Fitness Writer

Harry Bullmore is a Fitness Writer for Fit&Well and its sister site Coach, covering accessible home workouts, strength training session, and yoga routines. He joined the team from Hearst, where he reviewed products for Men's Health, Women's Health, and Runner's World. He is passionate about the physical and mental benefits of exercise, and splits his time between weightlifting, CrossFit, and gymnastics, which he does to build strength, boost his wellbeing, and have fun.

Harry is a NCTJ-qualified journalist, and has written for Vice, Learning Disability Today, and The Argus, where he was a crime, politics, and sports reporter for several UK regional and national newspapers.