You can do this three-move leg workout anywhere (you just need 20 minutes)

You don’t need loads of equipment to build lower body strength

A woman on a yoga mat performing a glute bridge
A woman on a yoga mat performing a glute bridge
(Image credit: Future)

Not being able to make it to the gym is no reason to scrap your leg day plans. Instead, you can use this workout to build lower body strength with just a few bits of fitness gear, or give trainer Alexia Clark’s no-equipment alternative a go at home. 

After all, while having a pair of the best adjustable dumbbells at your disposal can only be a good thing for your home fitness routine, bodyweight workouts are an accessible, more affordable alternative that can help you enjoy many of the same strength-boosting benefits. 

For this reason, fitness trainer Alexia Clark has shared two versions of her latest leg workout on Instagram — one using a dumbbell, resistance band, and a bench, and another that only requires your bodyweight. It uses just three exercises and can be completed in 20 minutes, making it a great option if you want to get your fitness fix while on vacation, or fancy squeezing in a quick living room session. 

The three exercises, detailed in Clark’s Instagram post, are performed back-to-back as a circuit. We recommend completing 12 repetitions of each movement before taking 60 seconds to catch your breath; that’s one round. Once you’ve finished five rounds, the workout is complete and you can give your legs a well-deserved rest.

Watch Clark's video below to see how each movement should be performed, and focus on keeping good technique throughout your workout (no matter how tired you feel). 

Watch Alexia Clark's three-move leg workout

This workout from Alexia Clark is an example of high-intensity resistance training or HIRT. Like a HIIT workout, it will spike your heart rate, burn calories and provide a comprehensive cardio session by using intense bursts of exercise broken up by short spells of rest. This makes it a great way to get some time-efficient exercise in.

However, HIRT includes more resistance-based movements, incorporating challenging bodyweight exercises and lifts that use the best kettlebells or dumbbells. This means it can also help you build strength and muscle at the same time, while still counting as cardio — not bad! 

This session targets the lower body, using three moves that engage your hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes. If you have a gym membership or access to the necessary equipment, we prescribe giving the version in Clark’s video a go.

However, if you’re looking for a minimal-equipment version to try at home, you can still use the alternative exercises listed in the caption (sumo air squats, squat side shuffles, and single-leg glute bridges) for a challenging leg workout. 

We recommend using this session as a daily workout within your current fitness routine. But, as this session is designed to build strength it can be quite taxing on your lower body. So, make sure you give your legs a break from resistance training the following day to allow them to recover. 

Instead, opt for a lower intensity activity to get your blood flowing without stressing your muscles. Why not try a cycle, or a spell on one of the best exercise bikes, if the weather doesn’t look too enticing? Our cycling fitness plan is a good place to start if you want some inspiration on how to structure your session in the saddle. 

Harry Bullmore
Fitness Writer

Harry Bullmore is a Fitness Writer for Fit&Well and its sister site Coach, covering accessible home workouts, strength training session, and yoga routines. He joined the team from Hearst, where he reviewed products for Men's Health, Women's Health, and Runner's World. He is passionate about the physical and mental benefits of exercise, and splits his time between weightlifting, CrossFit, and gymnastics, which he does to build strength, boost his wellbeing, and have fun.

Harry is a NCTJ-qualified journalist, and has written for Vice, Learning Disability Today, and The Argus, where he was a crime, politics, and sports reporter for several UK regional and national newspapers.