Sam Rider
Sam Rider is an experienced freelance journalist, specialising in health, fitness and wellness, as well as a REPS level 3 qualified personal trainer.
For over a decade he's reported on Olympic Games, CrossFit Games and World Cups, and quizzed luminaries of elite sport, nutrition and strength and conditioning.
Through it all, Sam has come to understand how fitness and wellness can be a force for positive change. From the individual, in transforming one’s physical and mental health, confidence and self-worth, to the collective, in championing sustainability, diversity and equality.
Latest articles by Sam Rider
Use this 10-minute flow to relieve soreness after exercise
Flexibility Recover faster with this yoga-inspired routine
By Sam Rider Published
Flexibility -
Arnold Schwarzenegger's five-move dumbbell workout will help anyone build muscle and burn fat, but here's how I would make it more beginner-friendly
Workouts Because this is a routine that everyone should have in their locker
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
Are towel pulls the best running exercise you're not doing? A trainer explains how to strengthen your foot muscles to run easier and avoid injury
Running A simple drill to keep your foot muscles firing
By Sam Rider Published
Running -
Maximize your strength and endurance like Chris Hemsworth with this hybrid training workout from Centr
Burn fat, boost aerobic fitness and build lean muscle—if Hemsworth can, you can too
By Sam Rider Published
Are cold showers good for you? Here's what happened when I took the plunge for two weeks
Health They're credited with improving mood, reducing stress and speeding up recovery, so should you brave the cold to get fit in 2025?
By Sam Rider Published
Health -
Never used a kettlebell before? Start with this beginner-friendly routine to build strength all over safely
Workouts Swerve the swings and use these five beginner-friendly moves to build total-body fitness
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
Are these the best exercises runners aren't doing? A trainer breaks down his four favorite moves to develop strength and speed
Running Strengthen and stabilize your ankles, knees and core with this trainer's exercise routine for runners
By Sam Rider Published
Running -
Can't face running or joining a gym? Use this 10-minute jump rope workout to burn calories and boost cardio this winter
Workouts Never skip a workout again, just use this fun jump rope routine
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
Worried about going to the gym in January? Use these expert tips to beat workout anxiety and boost your fitness confidence in 2025
Workouts Never get gym shy again with this expert-led back-to-gym playbook
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
Hugh Jackman's trainer knows how to build strength and stamina safely as you age—here's a four-move circuit she swears by
Workouts Master the beginner circuit then progress to the next stage as your fitness improves
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
This beginner home workout uses the latest science to help you build strength all over in less time
Workout Just one set of each exercise is plenty to build size and strength
By Sam Rider Published
Workout -
Use these beginner-friendly walk-run interval workouts in the park or treadmill to tick off your first 5K in 2025
Running Learn to walk-run before you run with these beginner sessions from Steph Davis, Olympian and coach at running app Runna
By Sam Rider Published
Running -
No pain, no gain is a myth—if you know this one simple strength training technique
Workouts A new study suggests you can now save time, skip the discomfort and still build impressive strength and muscular endurance doing just one set with two reps in reserve
By Sam Rider Published
Workouts -
"My favorite knee-strengthener"—an expert trainer shares her favorite 15-minute leg workout, featuring her go-to move for knees
Workout Use this low-impact, follow-along home workout to strengthen weak knees
By Sam Rider Published
Workout -
This fitness app helped me conquer a half marathon this year—here's why I recommend it to all levels of runner
Running Customized running plans and tailored strength workouts helped get me race ready, and Runna is offering a two-week free trial to Fit&Well readers in January
By Sam Rider Published
Running -
The more you move, the less pain you'll feel—ease creaking joints in just five minutes with this trainer's full-body mobility drill
Flexibility Movement can help to oil your joints, and this gentle routine from Jason Pak is a great way to give your body a tune-up
By Sam Rider Published
Flexibility -
The 3x3 interval walking workout is the perfect cardio-boosting, muscle-preserving practice and you can easily add it to your daily routine
Walking Harness the health-promoting benefits of interval walking training
By Sam Rider Published
Walking -
I'm a trainer and this is the first move I use with all of my clients to reduce lower back pain, boost stability and undo damage caused by prolonged sitting
Workout Use this tried-and-tested routine to start your next workout
By Sam Rider Published
Workout -
Just four minutes of vigorous everyday activity can have serious health benefits, according to this expert
Active Ageing Carrying shopping or brief bursts of power walking can cut the risk of heart attack by 50% a new study finds—here's how to make VILPA one of your healthy habits for 2025
By Sam Rider Published
Active Ageing -
My osteopath recommended this one move to stretch and strengthen tight hip flexors and I still swear by it
Overcome tight hip flexors with this simple solution
By Sam Rider Published
Walking backward can help build strong, healthy knees according to the experts—here's how to do it
Workout A physio and osteopath explain how and why you should incorporate loaded backward walking into your workouts
By Sam Rider Published
Workout -
Unsteady on your feet? Use this fun balance test to check your balance, flexibility and coordination
Workout Plus, five no-equipment exercises to help if your balance could use some work
By Sam Rider Published
Workout -
Do you find sitting cross-legged uncomfortable? A trainer recommends these standing hip stretches to build lower-body mobility, strength and stability
Mobility I have stubbornly tight hips but these movements really did the trick
By Sam Rider Published
Mobility -
This expert trainer's full-body resistance band workout will strengthen every muscle in five moves
Workouts Hang on tight for a full-body blitz from Centr trainer Ingrid Clay
By Sam Rider Published