Blast your abs in just 15 minutes with this seven-move core workout

Prepare to feel the burn by sculpting, toning and challenging your core with this quick abs workout

Man doing a sit up in the gym with a slam ball
(Image credit: Getty)

Any movement is better than no movement and even if you’ve only got 15 minutes to spare, this quick ab workout proves that you can still get some gains. 

Whether you’re working up a sweat in the gym or using some of the best adjustable dumbbells at home, challenge yourself to this 15-minute core workout which sees personal trainer, Instagram influencer and Get It Done Founder, Bradley Simmonds, target his abs in just seven swift moves. 

In the workout, Simmonds uses a slam ball to add some extra resistance to his moves, although you could always use your body weight, one of the best kettlebells or a dumbbell would work just as well. And while the PT suggests that this core workout makes for a great finisher after a strength or HIIT workout, we think it would be just as effective if completed on its own, especially if you're short on time. 

After all, as Simmonds says: “Abs are made in the kitchen, a strong core is made in the gym.” To get your abs all fired up in the gym or at home, keep reading to find out everything you need to know.

Discover Simmonds' 15-minute seven-move ab workout

Working towards a more toned stomach might be on your list of fitness goals for aesthetic reasons, which is great. But carving out your abs has a range of other health and wellness benefits too. 

It’s been proven that creating a muscular core can work towards improving circulation, it can help you build a stable frame, and can promote a good posture. 

And these core strengthening exercises, used in this 15-minute workout, include a range of moves that go hand-in-hand with the benefits above. 

One of the best ways to train all the muscles in your stomach — from your external obliques to your internal obliques — is to mix up your movements and challenge yourself to different moves, like the range of exercises Simmonds suggests.

The moves Simmonds uses in the workout include:

  • Kneeling woodchoppers x 10 reps
  • Kneeling slams x 20 reps
  • Sit up and raise x 10 reps 
  • V-crunches x 20 reps 
  • V-ups x 10 reps 

If you're unsure of how to perform the moves, make sure you watch Simmonds' video as he shows you each move and how to complete it. The workout also contains a core finisher that involves two exercises that will really fire up your abs, including:

  • Pick up rotation x 10 reps
  • Flutter kicks x 30 seconds

And that's it! 

For even more ways to target your abs and carve out a more defined stomach, discover our guide to the best ab rollers which will really test your upper and lower abs. Or master how to do a crunch to feel the burn in your external oblique muscles. 

Becks Shepherd

Becks is a freelance journalist and writer with more than 7 years of experience in the field. She writes health and lifestyle content for a range of titles including Live Science, Top Ten Reviews, Tom’s Guide, Stylist, The Independent, and more. She also ghostwrites for a number of Physiotherapists and Osteopaths. 

Health has been a big part of Becks’ lifestyle since time began. When she’s not writing about the topic of health, she’s in the gym learning new compound exercises. And when she’s not in the gym, she’s most probably reading.