Wellness Week Day One: Monday Motivation

Start your Wellness Week journey with simple, sustainable food swaps

Bowl of oats with fruit for breakfast
(Image credit: Brooke Lark/Unsplash)

Wellness Week is here! The week-long drive to revitalise your health and fitness, in partnership with our friends at Wiggle, officially kicks off today. Each day, we'll be focusing on a different way to keep you fit and well. Today's hot topic? Monday motivation. 

Making plans to get fitter and healthier is no good if you don't know where to start. Getting healthier means different things for different people, which can make it very confusing when you're trying to find an easy way to start your new regime. 

The barriers come in different guises, too. For example, a 2019 study by Optimum Nutrition found that eight out of ten respondents felt ‘clueless’ when it came to the nutritional benefits of different foods. Meanwhile, another study revealed that one in four women suffer from ‘gymtimidation’ - a fear of working out fuelled by worry that they will be judged.

Whatever your personal challenges, we’re here to help. If we can help you find a good place to start, you're more likely to carry on and turn the tips you learn during Wellness Week into lifelong lifestyle changes.

Breakfast porridge oats and croissant

(Image credit: Unsplash)

For starters, one of the easiest ways to get healthier is to add good stuff to your diet with simple food swaps. One recent study found nearly one-quarter of Americans fail to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. If that's you, or you just snack on some toast or sugary cereal, a healthy breakfast food swap is a simple change that starts your day (and your new regime) off right.

Swapping those frosted flakes with oats, one of our eight foods to lower cholesterol, will help protect your heart and provide you with energy all morning. From there, you can make a few more small diet changes to beget big results, like beans and pulses to your dinner, or swapping snacks like crisps and chips for fruit and veg.

If pre-existing conditions like arthritis are holding you back from making healthy changes, you can even choose your diet to help ease your chronic pain. Supplements like fish oil are not only great for joints, but provide the body with lots of essential healthy fats.

These food swaps are a simple way to get you feeling healthier, kick-starting your new habits and giving you lots of energy for exercise (don't worry – that comes later!).

You can view all today's Wellness Week content in the links below. Once you're done, make sure to come back tomorrow for loads more exclusive Wellness Week content.

Wellness Week Day One: Monday Motivation


Wellness Week on Fit&Well
Wellness Week is brought to you in association with
Wiggle. Each day this week, we'll help you accelerate your wellness journey by making improvements across areas including fitness, diet and nutrition, mindfulness and more.

Matt Evans

Matt Evans is an experienced health and fitness journalist and is currently Fitness and Wellbeing Editor at TechRadar, covering all things exercise and nutrition on Fit&Well's tech-focused sister site. Matt originally discovered exercise through martial arts: he holds a black belt in Karate and remains a keen runner, gym-goer, and infrequent yogi. His top fitness tip? Stretch.